3 Wire Light Switch. The colors will vary depending on whether NM cable or conduit was used. The remaining wires are the travelers.
3 way lighting circuit | Light wiring (Leon Ross) Disconnect all three wires (or four, if the outlet is grounded) from both switches. AliExpress carries wide variety of products, so you can find just what you're looking for - and maybe something you never. Take note of which wire is which as you disconnect them to avoid Read the smart light switch's instruction manual thoroughly to ensure you understand its wiring and setup.
In building wiring, multiway switching is the interconnection of two or more electrical switches to control an electrical load (often, but not always, lighting) from more than one location.
For starters, it doesn't have "OFF" and "ON" printed on the toggle, and it doesn't have a top.
Three Way Switch | How to wire a light switch
4 way switch wiring - Power from light fixture to light ...
Swap out those old crappy 3-way light switches for good - CNET
Three-way switches often control one light fixture at both ends of a hallway. The Three-way Wireless Light Switch Kit includes two RF (radio frequency) transmitters that are powered by the press of the switch and can be surface mounted with screws or adhesive. Smart light switch designs can vary, but.