Lighted 3 Way Rocker Switch Wiring Diagram. This switch also has a built-in LED that lights up when it's in the on position, so if you've purchased one of these, below is a wiring diagram showing how you would go about wiring this particular rocker light switch, remember to pay careful attention. Here is our selection of three way light switch circuit diagrams.

The red wire in the cable is known as the traveler Setting Up a Three-Way Circuit.
Three-way light switches control a light from two locations, such as from both ends of a staircase or hallway.
The schematic is nice and simple to visualise the principal of how this works. Now that you have an idea how rocker switches are constructed internally, let's go over the wiring diagram, so that you will now how to connect a rocker switch to a circuit. Pick the diagram that is most like the scenario you are in and see if you can wire your switch!